Magic Self

Withholding Joy, Connecting to Yourself, Practical Tools - Q&A

Episode Summary

Affirmations Vs Gaslighting yourself, Withholding Joy as Self Punishment, The Magic in Self Responsibility, Tools to get out of your Head, Reconnecting to Yourself, and more!

Episode Notes

Hello!  In this episode I'm answering your questions while I'm out on the road, away from my little home studio, and you had incredible questions! I'm so inspired, thank you for submitting them!

In the episode we cover: affirmations Vs gaslighting yourself, withholding joy as a form of self punishment, the Magic in self responsibility, healthy control, how to notice if you're holding shame, the Light in responsibility, practical tools for getting out of your head, realistic methods to reconnect to yourself, getting past your walls to connect to people, and more. I had so much fun answering these, I hope you got some value from this episode! 

I love you, enjoy!

Please ask any questions, and submit topics in the DMs  @magicselfpod on instagram.

Produced and Hosted by Alana Fickes @alanafickes.


Love always,



